Overall Dahlia care is fairly easy if you follow some very basic information.


Dahlias grow in most any well drained soil. As for exposure, full sun is best, but they will tolerate some late afternoon shade. Plant after your last frost, usually May 1st to June 1st. Apply a good compost or balanced fertilizer, avoid high nitrogen fertilizers. Lay tuber flat in a hole about 4″ to 6″ deep and cover.


All dahlia varieties grow a little different, but a general rule is to space 2-3′ apart. A good stake or tomato cage works well to keep your plants supported. Dahlias grow 1′ to 7′ tall. Most average 3′ to 5′ tall.


Water as needed 2 to 3 times per week with a deep soak. Plants can be pinched (topped) when 6″ tall to encourage a bushy plant with many laterals (recommended). Once buds set, disbudding can be done to encourage longer stems for show and cut flowers. In order to accomplish this, buds form in sets of three- remove the two side buds and leave the main terminal bud. Blooms start late July and continue until frost. Harvest cut flowers in the cool morning or evening.