Dahlia Subscription


4 week dahlia bouquet subscription! A large bouquet of incredibly unique dahlia blossoms in all shapes, sizes, and colors are guaranteed to bring joy to the beholder. Dahlias will be hand picked the morning of pickup. Bouquets will last an average
of 5-7 days. Bouquets will include dinner plate, decorative, cactus, anemone, ball, waterlily, and single dahlia types. A great gift for that special someone in your life!

We have limited availability, so order your subscription now! Pick up dates and times will be announced later in
the season. Bouquet subscription price is $100 for pickup or $120 for delivery (Delivery within 10 mile radius of farm).

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Kaeli’s Dahlias is offering a 4 week dahlia bouquet subscription. Starting in August, subscription includes one bouquet per week. A large bouquet of incredibly unique dahlia blossoms in all shapes, sizes, and colors are guaranteed to bring joy to the beholder. Bouquets will include dinner plate, decorative, cactus, anemone, ball, waterlily, and single dahlia types. A great gift for that special someone in your life!

We have limited availability, so order your subscription now! Pick up dates and times will be announced later in
the season. Bouquet subscription price is $100 for pickup or $120 for delivery. (Local delivery only) Note… Dahlias will be hand picked the morning of pickup. Bouquets will last an average
of 5-7 days. Limit of 75 subscriptions

Additional information

Pickup or delivery

Local Pick up, delivery (add $20)